Bilingual Mus: The Home Of Multilingual Children

Bilingual Mus organizes interactive drama play events for multilingual children living in Denmark. On top of that, we organize workshops for educators of multilingual children and provide coaching to multilingual families. Bilingual Mus was founded in 2021 by Chryssa Oikonomidou, mum of 2 bilingual little mice (thus Bilingual Mus : “Mus” is the Danish word for “Mice” which is how she calls her two little boys).

Hello & Welcome to Bilingual Mus!

I am an Early Childhood Educator specialized in bilingual/multilingual environments and the owner of Bilingual Mus, where I am an Animator in our Drama Play Events, as well as a Language Coach for families and educators of bilingual children (for more info check out our Services). I live in Denmark for the past 10 years.

My motivation and the reason why I chose to follow this professional path is my two wonderful bilingual children. Before them, in another life, I was a Senior Executive with 10+ years experience across multiple sectors in international companies and startups. I have acquired a lot of skills during those years, that are very helpful in my current practice in education and didactics. I am proud to say that my high heels are now retired and my focus is on the only future that matters: our kids!

My Studies

I have a Bachelor in Marketing and I am a graduate of the programs:

  • “Preschool Education and Training: Experiential Learning and Modern Methods of Care Education” of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • “Multilingual Practices: Tackling Challenges & Creating Opportunities” of the University of Groningen

Professional Experience

I have worked as a Support Bilingual Teacher, organizing Interactive Drama Play sessions at a Danish elementary school in Copenhagen. I am the Founder and President of the Board of Paidokipos Børneklub, where I oversee the educational programs and coordinate the team and all the activities of the association.

Furthermore, I am an active PEaCH Project Ambassador, an Erasmus+ project, funded by the European Commission. The acronym PEaCH was derived from the main goal of the project: ‘preserving and promoting Europe’s cultural and linguistic heritage through empowerment of bilingual children and families’. Focusing on the 24 official EU languages, PEaCH wants to help both parents and educators of bilingual children to support their family languages.


I have a passion for languages! I speak Greek, English, Danish, French. I can also understand a bit of Spanish and Italian.

“My motivation and the reason why I chose to follow this professional path is my two wonderful bilingual children. Before them, I was a Senior Executive in big and small companies for many years. I have acquired a lot of skills during those years, that are very helpful in my current practice in education and didactics. I am proud to say that my high heels are now retired and my focus is on the only future that matters: our kids!”
